LifeManaged Blog
Does your car add more life fulfillment?
What does a car mean to you? What do you use it for? Is it purely transportation? Is it ego boost? Do you buy based on safety ratings and comfort for your big family? How much life fulfillment do you get by getting into your fancy car? Do you lease? How much research...
Investing and Weight Loss Parallels
If you are like me, you’ve been on numerous diets. South Beach, Keto, Atkins, the “do it all in moderation and workout diet”, etc. Always searching for that “quick fix” to drop weight the easy way. The reality is like everything in life, there is no...
Empirical Evidence of Stocks
What stops you from owning a 100% stock portfolio all your life? EMOTION and BEHAVIOR. Yes, I understand that as you get closer to “retirement” that you could have volatility and your portfolio can go down, temporarily. Drawdowns do matter. Taking...
The Financial Life Truths You Aren’t Being Told
Unfortunately, our current society doesn’t always reward the truth. Tell someone the truth and you will likely be perceived as rude, inconsiderate, selfish or unkind. The reality is, that truth hurts, and people don’t want to hear the truth because we are...
The Average Arizona Retirement
Would you quit your job today for a fixed income of $60,500 per year? According to John Csiszar, of GoBankingRates, a comfortable Arizona Retirement costs $60,503 per year. See our hypothetical budget of a retired couple with a mortgage-free $350,000 home and a...
Stock Market Corrections, Bear Market Pockets and Safe Haven Assets
A bear market is when securities prices fall 20% or more from recent highs. This period of falling stock prices come from widespread pessimism and negative investor sentiment. This term “bear market” got its name from the way a bear attacks its prey,...
The 3% Buyer’s Agent Commission
Information asymmetry is one of the biggest contributing factors to financial mishap. In the financial services sector, structure and incentive compound this information gap. The word “Fiduciary” often gets thrown around as the Fiduciary Ruling was one of...
500% Returns on Life
Money is a resource. Abundant resources allow you to enjoy what is important to you. NOT worrying about your finances is essential to living a life that excites you, supports those you love and satisfies your greatest desires. Imagine your life if you had...
Holding Periods Do Matter, But
We are at economic war with China. I am not forecasting here, BUT, what if we see another long sideways period ahead? Are you prepared for that? What should you invest in? The first chart is of two new investors who have finally decided to dip their toes in the...
Selling your way to Freedom
As sales professionals, you are in direct control of your future. You have limitless opportunities, unmatched job security, freedom, and a great income — All of this assumes you AREN’T average. Above-average commercial real estate brokers, medical device and...