LifeManaged Blog
The Process of Discomfort: Pushing Through for Financial Mastery
In the world of finance, as in life, growth requires navigating discomfort. Whether it’s confronting a new financial landscape, recalibrating an investment strategy, or executing major financial decisions, discomfort is often a precursor to meaningful progress. For those already versed in managing their money, this discomfort isn’t unfamiliar—it’s a necessary part of evolving your financial strategy. Let’s explore how leaning into this discomfort is key to achieving greater financial stability and success.
Supporting You Through Every Life Transition
In the past month alone, my clients (in no particular order) have had a baby, bought a house, gotten engaged, joined a country club, bought a second home, changed jobs, exercised stock options, and even purchased a new business. It’s clear that life doesn’t move at the same pace for everyone, and that’s exactly why we’re here.
Reverse Budgeting: A Simpler Approach to Managing Finances
Let’s face it—budgeting is hard. In fact, 79% of people fail at sticking to their budget because it’s time-consuming and feels too restrictive. You start with good intentions, meticulously tracking every dollar spent, but after a few weeks, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and burnt out. The rigidity of traditional budgeting can make you feel trapped, leading many to abandon their budgets altogether. If you’ve ever felt this way, reverse budgeting might be the solution you’ve been looking for.
Ah, the DINK life—Dual Income, No Kids. Sounds like a dream, right? Endless brunches, and spontaneous vacations with no diaper bills. But before you start planning your next great adventure, let’s talk finances. With great purchasing power comes great financial responsibility.
No-Nonsense Advice for Expecting Couples
While you’re stocking up on diapers and choosing onesies, let’s get real about your
finances—they need some baby-proofing too. Let’s skip the fluff and talk straight about
setting up a financial game plan that won’t leave you overwhelmed.
Summer Splurging to Smart Spending: Getting Back on Track for the School Year
As the summer winds down, many families reflect on the fun-filled activities and the inevitable spending spree that accompanied them. With the excitement of the new school year approaching, parents find themselves facing a new wave of expenses: sports fees, uniforms,...
Why Teaching Kids About Money Matters: Lessons from a Viral TikTok
Kids love immediate excitement and have no clue how much things cost. This brings us to today’s topic: the importance of teaching kids about money and why it’s our duty as parents to make sure they get it.
Baby Millionaires
Let’s talk about babies and how we can set these little ones up to be millionaires. The easiest way to invest for a child is to open an UTMA account. An UTMA or a uniform transfer to minors account in the simplest of terms, is a law that allows a minor to receive...
Investing for College Students: Start Early, Beat the Average
Our intern got me thinking about the younger generation and how early they can start investing. It might surprise many to learn that the average age for someone to begin investing is actually 33.3 years old. So, there’s a significant opportunity for young people to...
Money & Marriage
This topic hits close to home so I wanted to highlight the importance of discussing key financial aspects before marriage. And yes – some of these seem obvious but you’d be surprised how many people assume things when they’re in love instead of having a conversation about them.